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  • Writer's pictureRoxanne Morningstar

Aural Sex and the Grown-Ass Woman

Even the word is sexy
Is there anything better than being turned on?
That slow rise of heat
That gentle, pleasurable ache
It slides into your thoughts
No matter what you’re doing
There, at the edge of your mind
It teases you
And amuses you
It gives you confidence
It’s a secret
Between you and your body

—-Gaelforce Audio: Arousal

Recently I was part of a conversation on Twitter about the scarcity of erotic audio content for “mature” women. My opinion that many creators don’t consider us a worthwhile audience prompted the question of what content would be appealing. Since I’ve been away from the blog for a while, this seems as good a topic as any for getting back into the swing of things.

Grown-ass women (we) want content that makes them (us) feel good, just like anyone else. The difference between younger (in age, maturity, or experience) women and us is that we are beyond the point where just hearing some guy talking dirty makes us tingle. In an earlier post entitled “Dirty-Talking Men and Where to Find Them,” I touched upon the challenge of finding good content:

I’m talking about fully-formed (grown-ass) adult male voices performing authentic content with grown-ass themes, settings, language, and sensibilities: voices of men who express care, lust, and reverence for women.

So what does that mean? Well, it means that campus parties, beach parties, roommates, professors, best friends’ dads/brothers, MILFs, and breeding probably won’t be appealing. Likewise for acting out scenes from porn videos: telling a “girl” (or “baby girl”) how well you’re going to fuck her and having your big magic dick make her cum over and over. Sure, I remember the thrill of having a man tell 20-something me that he just wanted to take me away from all of this and get me pregnant. That doesn’t register on our thrill meter anymore.

What is appealing? Intimacy, authentic desire, understanding a woman’s body, and—my personal favorite—expressions of pleasure that go beyond grunts. Men in the erotic audio space who are successful with grown-ass women understand this. They also avoid markers for body type, race, etc. so that any listener can place herself in the experience. Their content is designed to make women feel wanted, lusted after, and cared for, and it provides a perfect context for every imaginable kink and sexual escapade. The only specific "type" of woman to aim for is the kind who prefers to consume erotic content by ear.

Here’s the thing: you can’t create what you don’t know. The creators mentioned above draw upon not only their own lived experiences but they listen to women; they seek to understand, then they apply what they learn to their work.

Older women are a sorely overlooked segment of society, and the erotic audio space reflects that. As fucked up as that is on general principle alone, it is incredibly foolish and shortsighted for creators who want to make money from this thing. Aside from the fact that those nubile young women these guys are lusting after aren’t going to stay young forever, grown-ass women have more disposable income, fewer options, and experience life changes that open them up for new awakenings. Exploring intimacy, sexuality, and pleasure ownership is an endeavor that these women are undertaking more openly and enthusiastically than ever before.

Don’t believe me? Google “William White TikTok” and “Leo Grande.” Go ahead—I'll wait.

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